Life Stories

Sermons, Starbucks and Savvy Support

March 29, 2018
By Barnabas Foundation

Rev. Peter has one sermon on giving. “It’s titled ‘The Sermon on the Amount,’” he says with a laugh, “I only wish that I had preached that sermon more!”

Beyond what he taught from the pulpit, Peter and his wife, Jo, have spent a lifetime modeling the values of biblical stewardship.

“Early on in our married life together, Jo and I decided that we would always live within our means,” says Peter, “Avoid debt and payment of interest, if possible, and we would save some money every month to invest in a house fund for retirement. Lastly, we would always tithe.”

As an investment strategy, Peter and Jo began purchasing small amounts of Starbucks and Microsoft stock over the course of a few decades. As the number and value of those shares rose, they began to realize their dream for retirement. In 2004, they moved into a beautiful home with a stunning view of the mountains in Washington state.

Peter muses, “I tell people that the Lord used Starbucks and Microsoft to build us a very nice retirement home!”

Even in retirement, their shares continue to grow in value, presenting Peter and Jo with an interesting challenge. “If I sell any of that, I have to pay a 98.6% capital gains tax,” explains Peter. “I don’t want to do that!”

Instead, Barnabas Foundation helped them identify a creative giving solution: donating their appreciated stock to ministry through life income gifts.

By giving this way, Peter and Jo have reduced their capital gains taxes, and they’ve secured ongoing income to help sustain them through retirement. Best of all, Peter and Jo take great joy in supporting a variety of ministries close to their hearts.

“These were charities that we had been giving to all along,” says Peter. “They have a high rating and priority in our thinking.”

Peter and Jo stand amazed at God’s blessing as they’ve pursued Kingdom priorities with their finances.

“One of my favorite texts is Malachi 3:10,” says Peter. “‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,’ says the LORD Almighty, ‘and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.’”

“Put that one to the test,” says Peter. “As long as the Lord continues to bless our investments and multiply them, we’ll continue to give them back.”

This is a sermon on giving that Peter and Jo continue to live out together, even in retirement.

To learn more about giving stock, setting up a life income gift and other creative giving options, call Barnabas Foundation at 888.448.3040 or contact us by email.